About Sophia Moseley

I have been writing since I was knee high to a gnat. I love my writing and each piece receives my utmost care and attention. My true love lies with my fiction and poetry, but I found myself writing non fiction feature articles for magazines and other journals and discovered I not only enjoyed this genre, but others enjoyed reading my work.

Some of the magazines I have written for include Archant Press Somerset Life and Dorset Magazine, Dorset Life, Scholastic and Woman’s Weekly. I also write a monthly feature for my own website  http://www.sophiamoseley.co.uk/

In May 2012 I published my first children’s book, The Adventures of Charlie, http://www.theadventuresofcharlie.co.uk/ a book of four short stories aimed at the 4-8 year old reader and it has proved extremely popular with both children and adults alike.

I also run Writer Workshops for both able and less able writers working with groups of children up to Year 6 (up to 11 year olds). My workshops are designed to enthuse and encourage children to explore the ever changing world of literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Additionally I do ‘Author Readings’ when I read from The Adventures of Charlie and use various props and pictures to make the sessions lively and inspiring.

If you want you can follow me on Twitter @Sophia_Moseley

And if you would like me to work on a project with you or if you want to commission me to write for you, please feel free to contact me.

Sophia Swire

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