A poem dedicated to all fathers suffering from dementia

To Remember all Fathers as They Were

I remember the day

When you were not far away;

It never entered my mind

That one day I’d find

All the treasures we shared,

To show that we cared,

Would be buried too deep

As your thoughts turn to sleep.

Your senses are dulled

By the strokes that have culled

Little sections of brain,

As the senses they drain.

Wreaking havoc within,

A fight you can’t win;

As your memories fade

Of the life that you made.

We watch you depart

And it’s breaking our heart,

When we see the demise

With our very own eyes.

If only we could

I know that we would

Have the father we know

And never let go.daddy

About Sophia Moseley

Freelance Copywriter, Feature Writer and Author. Looking for that illusive job that every working mother craves but surviving, just, on what I can find. My writing and poetry keeps my sane. Watch this space.
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6 Responses to A poem dedicated to all fathers suffering from dementia

  1. My grandmother had dementia and this has brought tears to my eyes; beautifully written and all so very true. Thank you.

    • Sophia Moseley says:

      Hello Nathalie I’m glad you liked my poem, I wrote it having spent the day with my father who is suffering from the disease so it was very much from the heart.

      Life can be very unkind sometimes can’t it?

      I hope you are well otherwise.

  2. Kristy Morgan says:

    I’ve just read this poem and can’t stop crying as it’s fathers day in a few minutes and my dad is suffering from vascular dementia :’-( I miss him so much even though he is still here if that makes sense xxxxxx Thank you xxxx

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